Why choose us?

Limark is a solidary team of professionals, which is always ready to help
and suggest the best possible solution for realisation of your objectives.
Limark is primarily a team of professionals. Our employees have vast experience in IT-sphere in different companies from vendors to target customers. Our main advantage is understanding the essence of objectives and processes and undoubtedly high level of technical expertise.

Our history

How it began

Limark was established in 2011 by a group of creative people. Under their belt they had long-term experience in IT and deep knowledge of IT market. Now the company is one of the leading and prospective system integrators in Sverdlovsk region.

Now the company is one of the leading and prospective system integrators in Sverdlovsk region.

Experience in finding solutions to objectives of different difficulty, faithful partners, cooperation with leading equipment manufacturers, technical and manufactural resources of our own, monitoring and exploration of new technologies – that is what makes company’s progress possible.

The company grew steadily developing new areas.
As a result, 6 main directions became evident by 2018.

Limark – system integrator in sphere of IT-technologies

Limark –IT equipment supply at low prices.

Limark-XaaS – complete IT infrastructure as a service including workplaces.

Limark – Transport security systems

Unlim – mobile application development

Limark – specialised laboratory equipment supply

Кто мы

Сплоченная команда профессионалов, всегда готовая помочь и подсказать
оптимальное решение для реализации ваших задач.

Антон Владимирович
тел. +7 (495) 000-00-00

Александр Сергеевич
директор по продажам
тел. +7 (495) 000-00-00

Наталья Адольфовна
руководитель отдела
тел. +7 (495) 000-00-00

Антон Сергеевич
технический директор
тел. +7 (495) 000-00-00


620014, Russia, Yekaterinburg, Radishcheva st. 23, office 316

Phone numbers:

Company’s implemented projects give enhanced status to an object and raise building’s comfort level and attractiveness. They also make it a safe place to live in and increase effectiveness for business. Moreover, our projects enable savings for further operation of systems.

Our clients

Implemented projects

Our clients are government and municipal institutions, communication operators, nursery schools, schools, universities, commercial companies, apartment complexes, manufacturing enterprises, research institutes and many others. At this moment we have more then 100 customers from 12 regions of RF.

Our partners

Contact us for a consultation.

Call us or contact us via email. We are always ready to help.